
Heather Linington-Noble

Heather is the one in picture who isn’t Mike Elias or Sig Mejdal.

Heather is a hopelessly optimistic baseball fan. She discovered her love for baseball while on a mission to learn more about Baltimore City and become a part of the local community. In the seven years since, it has become her passion.
Since getting a season plan in 2018 she’s gone to 30-50+ Orioles games a season, during years they won 47, 54, and 52 out of 162 games respectively. She wishes she’d gone to more.
Her dream is to make baseball her life. Podcast and make money off of it. Post YouTube videos. Create baseball themed embroidery. Write articles. Eventually annoy Mike Elias into hiring her.
This podcast is a first step. Hopefully people will enjoy it!